
Revolutionary struggle in Eastern Europe. Liberation through rebellion.

Our main website: http://boakor7dmr63zguccltp6nki56ou4oppirhyllfck7yd3sifywinhkyd.onion (how to access .onion sites)

Mirror site with our latest articles and news in english:

We are also on Telegram and VK: groups Fighter Anarchist (inaccessible in Russia) and Zloy Ankom

Contact us –

If you want to support our project:
here is our Monero wallet (prefferably, because it’s anonymus): 8C5FYbf6HUD6zGwxQQDHeCUnWb3ZANrMMBMX1fLBshHjd4Y5ba3G6jD5DxgcLEjPaBgwsKa4U6vkEheGuYEY1KXT4MmtGYs. Or you can use our Bitcoin wallets (we recommend to use mixing services!) bc1q67c8uqzfgk9vchafuvtcn78ww54ka0m6gl80lq (Segwit) and 1KtnWbd2s9dKNwP7hnTrTUVnZZbB3NRhDg (no-Segwit).

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  3. Run installated browser
  4. Open our link and add as a bookmark – http://boakor7dmr63zguccltp6nki56ou4oppirhyllfck7yd3sifywinhkyd.onion